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Radiation from a Dipole Antenna Located Outside a Cylindrical Density Depletion in a Magnetoplasma Under Resonance Scattering Conditions
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 90, 109-128, 2021
Resonance interaction between the electromagnetic radiation from a dipole antenna and a cylindrical density depletion aligned with an external static magnetic field in a magnetoplasma is studied in the case where the antenna is located outside such a density irregularity. A distinctive feature of the presented analysis is using a realistic distribution of the antenna current instead of the assumed one. It is shown that such an antenna can excite plasmon resonances of the density depletion, along with the resonance at the plasma frequency of the outer region. In addition, previously unrevealed resonances of the total field, which are related to excitation of complex modes of the cylindrical density depletion, are discussed. The results obtained can be helpful in understanding the basic properties of resonance interaction of the antenna fields with cylindrical density irregularities in a magnetoplasma and planning the related experiments in the ionospheric and laboratory plasmas.
Alexander V. Kudrin, Alexander V. Ivoninsky, and Oleg M. Ostafiychuk, "Radiation from a Dipole Antenna Located Outside a Cylindrical Density Depletion in a Magnetoplasma Under Resonance Scattering Conditions," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 90, 109-128, 2021.

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