School of Electronic & Information Engineering
Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology (NUIST)
HomepageApplied Electromagnetic and Microwave Lab.
Federal University of Campina Grande
HomepageInstitut Universitaire de Technologie
University of La Reunion
Homepage1. Kallnichev, V., "Analysis of beam-steering and directive characteristics of adaptive antenna arrays for mobile communications," IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 43, No. 3, 145-152, Jun. 2001.
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14. Lallechere, S., L. Rajaoarisoa, L. Clavier, R. S. Galan, and B. Ravelo, "Bandpass NGD function design for 5G microwave signal delay synchronization application," Comptes Rendus Physique (CRAS), Vol. Tome 22, No. S1, 53-71, 2021.
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27. Ravelo, B., G. Fontgalland, H. S. Silva, J. Nebhen, W. Rahajandraibe, M. Guerin, G. Chan, and F. Wan, "Original application of stop-band negative group delay microwave passive circuit for two-step stair phase shifter designing," IEEE Access, Vol. 10, No. 1, 1493-1508, 2022.
28. Qiu, L.-F., L.-S. Wu, W.-Y. Yin, and J.-F. Mao, "Absorptive bandstop filter with prescribed negative group delay and bandwidth," IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett., Vol. 27, No. 7, 639-641, Jul. 2017.
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33. Ravelo, B. and S. De Blasi, "An FET-based microwave active circuit with dual-band negative group delay," JMOe, Vol. 10, No. 2, 355-366, Dec. 2011.
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37. Shao, T., S. Fang, Z. Wang, and H. Liu, "A compact dual-band negative group delay microwave circuit," Radio Engineering, Vol. 27, No. 4, 1070-1076, Dec. 2018.
38. Zhou, X., B. Li, N. Li, B. Ravelo, X. Hu, Q. Ji, F. Wan, and G. Fontgalland, "Analytical design of dual-band negative group delay circuit with multi-coupled lines," IEEE Access, Vol. 8, No. 1, 72749-72756, Apr. 2020.
39. Ravelo, B., "Similitude between the NGD function and filter gain behaviours," Int. J. Circ. Theor. Appl., Vol. 42, No. 10, 1016-1032, Oct. 2014.
40. Ravelo, B., "On the low-pass, high-pass, bandpass and stop-band NGD RF passive circuits," URSI Radio Science Bulletin, Vol. 2017, No. 363, 10-27, Dec. 2017.
41. Ravelo, B., "First-order low-pass negative group delay passive topology," Electronics Letters, Vol. 52, No. 2, 124-126, Jan. 2016.
42. Ravelo, B., "Demonstration of negative signal delay with short-duration transient pulse," Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. (EPJAP), Vol. 55, No. 10103, 1-8, 2011.
43. Ravelo, B., "Baseband NGD circuit with RF amplifier," Electronic Letters, Vol. 47, No. 13, 752-754, Jun. 2011.
44. Ravelo, B., "Methodology of elementary negative group delay active topologies identification," IET Circuits Devices Syst. (CDS), Vol. 7, No. 3, 105-113, May 2013.
45. Ravelo, B., "Theory on negative time delay looped system," IET Circuits, Devices & Systems, Vol. 12, No. 2, 175-181, Mar. 2018.
46. Randriatsiferana, R., Y. Gan, F.Wan, W. Rahajandraibe, R. Vauche, N. M. Murad, and B. Ravelo, "Study and experimentation of a 6-dB attenuation low-pass NGD circuit," Analog. Integr. Circ. Sig. Process., Vol. 110, 105-114, 2022.
47. Wan, F., Z. Yuan, B. Ravelo, J. Ge, and W. Rahajandraibe, "Low-pass NGD voice signal sensoring with passive circuit," IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 20, No. 12, 6762-6775, Jun. 2020.
48. Ravelo, B., F. Wan, S. Lallechere, W. Rahajandraibe, P. Thakur, and A. Thakur, "Innovative theory of low-pass NGD via-hole-ground circuit," IEEE Access, Vol. 8, No. 1, 130172-130182, Jul. 2020.
49. Ravelo, B., W. Rahajandraibe, M. Guerin, B. Agnus, P. Thakur, and A. Thakur, "130-nm BiCMOS design of low-pass negative group delay integrated RL-circuit," Int. J. Circ. Theor. Appl., 1-17, Feb. 2022.
50. Wan, F., T. Gu, B. Li, B. Li, W. Rahajandraibe, M. Guerin, S. Lallechere, and B. Ravelo, "Design and experimentation of inductorless low-pass NGD integrated circuit in 180-nm CMOS technology," IEEE Tran. CADICS, Vol. 41, No. 11, 4965-4974, 2022.
51. Wan, F., X. Huang, K. Gorshkov, B. Tishchuk, X. Hu, G. Chan, F. E. Sahoa, S. Baccar, M. Guerin, W. Rahajandraibe, and B. Ravelo, "High-pass NGD characterization of resistive-inductive network based low-frequency circuit," COMPEL --- The Int. J. Computation and Math. in Elec. and Electron. Eng., Vol. 40, No. 5, 1032-1049, 2021.
52. Yang, R., X. Zhou, S. S. Yazdani, E. Sambatra, F. Wan, S. Lallechere, and B. Ravelo, "Analysis, design and experimentation of high-pass negative group delay lumped circuit," Circuit World, 1-25, 2021.
53. Guerin, M., Y. Liu, A. Douyere, G. Chan, F.Wan, S. Lallechere, W. Rahajandraibe, and B. Ravelo, "Design and synthesis of inductorless passive cell operating as stop-band negative group delay function," IEEE Access, Vol. 9, No. 1, 100141-100153, Jul. 2021.
54. Fenni, S., F. Haddad, K. Gorshkov, B. Tishchuk, A. Jaomiary, F. Marty, G. Chan, M. Guerin, W. Rahajandraibe, and B. Ravelo, "AC low-frequency characterization of stop-band negative group delay circuit," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 115, 261-276, 2021.
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