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Dual Stopband Type NGD Network Design for True Time-Delay Based Multi-Beam Steerer Application
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 98, 107-123, 2023
An original application of stopband (SB) type negative group delay (NGD) electronic function is introduced. The unfamiliar SB-NGD circuit is designed with RLC-network lumped passive topology. The SB-NGD circuit is exploited to operate as a true-time delay (TTD) device for smart dual-beam phased array design. The two-port passive topology for designing an SB-NGD circuit constituted by an RLC-network is described. The theory and design method of the employed SB-NGD passive circuit are detailed. The microwave theory of the SB-NGD topology is elaborated from S-matrix modelling. The SB-NGD canonical form is innovatively introduced in function of the expected specifications. The synthesis design equations allowing to determine the R, L and C component values in function of the NGD specifications are formulated. The SB-NGD behavior is verified by comparison of calculated and simulated S-parameters from two different proofs-of-concept (POC). Illustrative results with a very good agreement showing SB-NGD behavior are observed around the arbitrarily chosen central frequencies f1 = 0.7 GHz and f2 = 1 GHz over a bandwidth of 50 MHz. The design principle of TTD-based smart dual-beam is described. The dual-band SB-NGD circuit is designed to operate as a dual-band TTD device with fixed delays at t1(f1) = 357 ps and t2(f2) = 875 ps, respectively. A radiation pattern showing the smart dual-beam steering operating system at f1 and f2 frequencies is discussed.
Blaise Ravelo, Glauco Fontgalland, Ana Paula B. Dos Santos, Hugerles S. Silva, Nour Mohammad Murad, Fayrouz Haddad, Mathieu Guerin, and Wenceslas Rahajandraibe, "Dual Stopband Type NGD Network Design for True Time-Delay Based Multi-Beam Steerer Application," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 98, 107-123, 2023.

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