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Analysis of a Triple Band MIMO Antenna for Sub-6 GHz Applications
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 107, 47-62, 2024
A triple band MIMO antenna is designed and analysed at sub-6GHz for 5G applications on an FR-4 substrate. This paper contains the transition of an antenna from a simple microstrip antenna to the proposed defected L-shaped microstrip patch antenna, which comprises single, 2-element MIMO, and 4-element MIMO antennas with permittivity of 4.3, and the dimensions of those antennas are 60 × 60 mm2, 60 × 120 mm2, and 120 × 120 mm2 correspondingly. These antennas resonate at three resonant frequencies which are 3 GHz, 4.1 GHz and 5.2 GHz under sub-6 GHz. HFSS has been used to design these antennas and to obtain the parameters like S-parameters, gain, VSWR and MIMO parameters like ECC, DG, TARC, and MEG. At those resonant frequencies, single element antenna has S11 of -26.83 dB, -20.06 dB, and -19.16 dB; two element MIMO antennas have S11 of -22.7 dB, -40.09, and -20.54 dB; and quad element MIMO antennas have S11 of -15 dB, -24.8 dB, and -22.7 dB. The overall antenna gains are 2.5061 dBi, 3.1903 dBi, and 4.2989 dBi for single, 2-port, and 4-port MIMO antennas. This antenna is well suited for a range of applications including FWA systems that utilize 3 GHz frequency, Smart Cities and connected vehicles that rely on 4.1 GHz, and high-bandwidth activities such as video streaming, cloud computing, and mission-critical communications that require 5.2 GHz. Additionally, it can support future developments in both 5G and Wi-Fi technologies.
Govardhani Immadi, Madhavareddy Venkata Narayana, Ambati Navya, Aovuthu Sree Madhuri, Burra Vamsi Krishna, and Marri Venkata Siva Gopi, "Analysis of a Triple Band MIMO Antenna for Sub-6 GHz Applications," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 107, 47-62, 2024.

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