Vol. 56
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A Combined FDTD/TLM Time Domain Method to Solve Efficiently Electromagnetic Problems
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 56, 409-427, 2013
Modeling complex networks of cables inside structures and modeling disjoint objects connected by cables inside large computational domains with respect to the wavelength are two problems that currently present many difficulties. In this paper, we propose a 1D/3D hybrid method in time domain to solve efficiently these two kinds of problems. The method, based upon finite difference schemes, couples Maxwell's equations to evaluate electromagnetic fields in 3D domains and the transmission line equations to evaluate currents and voltages on cables. Some examples are presented to show the interest of this approach.
Nathanael Muot, Christophe Girard, Xavier Ferrieres, and Elodie Bachelier, "A Combined FDTD/TLM Time Domain Method to Solve Efficiently Electromagnetic Problems," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 56, 409-427, 2013.

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