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Reflection and Transmission of Waves at the Interface of Perfect Electromagnetic Conductor (PEMC)
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 5, 169-183, 2008
Perfect electromagnetic conductor (PEMC) has been introduced as a generalization of both the perfect electric conductor (PEC) and the perfect magnetic conductor (PMC). In the present paper, the basic problem of reflection and transmission of an obliquely incident plane wave at the interface of a PEMC half space or slab is considered. It is found that the field outside the PEMC medium can be uniquely determined but the interior field requires some assumptions to be unique. In particular, definition of the PEMC-medium condition as a limit of a Tellegen-medium condition and extraction of certain virtual fields (metafields) are shown to make the field inside the PEMC medium unique.
Ismo Veikko Lindell, and Ari Sihvola, "Reflection and Transmission of Waves at the Interface of Perfect Electromagnetic Conductor (PEMC)," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 5, 169-183, 2008.

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