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Enhancement of Omnidirectional Reflection in Photonic Crystal Heterostructures
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 1, 197-208, 2008
In this paper we have theoretically studied the omnidirectional total reflection frequency range of a multilayered dielectric heterostructures. Three structures of Na3AlF6/Ge multilayer have been studied. The thickness of the two layers of the first and second structure is differing from each other and the third photonic structure is the combination of first and second structures. Using the Transfer Matrix Method (TMM) and the Bloch theorem, the reflectivity of one dimensional periodic structure for TE- and TM-modes at different angles of incidence is calculated. From the analysis it is found that the proposed structure has very wide range of omnidirectional total frequency bands for both polarizations.
Ragini Srivastava, Shyam Pati, and Sant Ojha, "Enhancement of Omnidirectional Reflection in Photonic Crystal Heterostructures," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 1, 197-208, 2008.

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