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Evaluation of MIMO Channel Capacity in Indoor Environments Using Vector Parabolic Equation Method
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 4, 13-25, 2008
In this paper, the vector parabolic equation method (VPEM) is used to investigate the Shannon capacity of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) communication systems in indoor corridors. This deterministic three-dimensional (3-D) full-wave method is capable to demonstrate the effects of antennas and propagation environment on the channel capacity. The VPEM can model any field depolarization effects which are caused by the corridor walls. This method is particularly useful for evaluation of MIMO channel capacity in corridors with local narrowing of cross section. The channel capacity is computed for both single and hybrid polarizations and simulation results are compared with those obtained by the ray tracing method.
Narges Noori, and Homayoon Oraizi, "Evaluation of MIMO Channel Capacity in Indoor Environments Using Vector Parabolic Equation Method," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 4, 13-25, 2008.

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