Vol. 22
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Analysis of Shielding Effectiveness of Single, Double and Laminated Shields for Oblique Incidence of EM Waves
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 22, 187-202, 2010
Shielding prevents coupling of undesired radiated electro-magnetic energy into equipment otherwise susceptible to it. In view of this, some studies on shielding effectiveness of different shields against angle of incidence with conductors and conductive polymers using plane-wave theory are carried out in this paper. The plane wave shield- ing effectiveness of new combination of these materials is evaluated as a function of angle of incidence for Single, Double and Laminated Shields. Conductivity of the polymers, measured in previous investigations by the cavity perturbation technique, is used to compute the overall reflection and transmission coefficients of single and multiple layers of the polymers. With recent advancements in synthesizing stable highly conductive polymers, these light-weight mechanically strong materials appear to be viable alternatives to metals for EM1 shielding. The analysis is done at a particular frequency for all three types of shields.
Pappu Vankata Yasoda Jayasree, Viriyala Satya Surya Baba, Bhima Prabhakar Rao, and Lakshman Pappula, "Analysis of Shielding Effectiveness of Single, Double and Laminated Shields for Oblique Incidence of EM Waves," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 22, 187-202, 2010.

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