Vol. 34
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A New Adaptive Linear Combined CFAR Detector in Presence of Interfering Targets
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 34, 367-387, 2011
In this paper, a new radar constant false alarm rate detector to perform adaptive threshold target detection in presence of interfering targets is proposed. The proposed CFAR detector, referred to as Adaptive Linear Combined CFAR, ALC-CFAR, employs an adaptive composite approach based on the well-known cell averaging CFAR, CA-CFAR, and the ordered statistics, OS-CFAR, detectors. Data in the reference window is used to compute an adaptive weighting factor employed in the fusion scheme. Based on this factor, the ALC-CFAR tailors the background estimation algorithm. The conducted Monte Carlo simulation results demonstrate that the proposed detector provides low loss CFAR performance in an homogeneous environment and also performs robustly in presence of interfering targets. The performances of the ALC-CFAR detector have been evaluated and compared with that of the CA-CFAR and the OS-CFAR detectors. The obtained results are presented and discussed in this paper.
Boualem Magaz, Adel Belouchrani, and M'hamed Hamadouche, "A New Adaptive Linear Combined CFAR Detector in Presence of Interfering Targets," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 34, 367-387, 2011.

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