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Robust Antenna Array Beamforming Under Cycle Frequency Mismatch
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 35, 307-328, 2011
Many algorithms exploiting the signal cyclostationarity have been shown to be effective in performing antenna array beamforming. However, these algorithms can not provide a unique weight vector for simultaneously extracting multiple signals of interest (SOIs) with distinct cycle frequencies (DCFs). They also suffer from severe performance degradation in the presence of a cycle frequency error (CFE). To simultaneously accommodate multiple SOIs with DCFs and alleviate the effects of cycle leakage due to finite data samples, we propose a cyclic sample matrix inversion (C-SMI) beamformer. To make the C-SMI beamformer robust against CFE, we present a novel objective function which is optimized by using a steepest-descent based algorithm to find the appropriate estimates of the true DCFs. The simulation results show the effectiveness of the robust C-SMI beamformer.
Ju-Hong Lee, "Robust Antenna Array Beamforming Under Cycle Frequency Mismatch," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 35, 307-328, 2011.

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