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Compact-Like Pulse Signals in a New Nonlinear Electrical Transmission Line
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 52, 207-236, 2013
A nonlinear electrical transmission line with an intersite circuit element acting as a nonlinear resistance is introduced and investigated. In the continuum limit, the dynamics of localized signals is described by a non-linear evolution equation belonging to the family of nonlinear diffusive Burgers' equations. This equation admits compact pulse solutions and shares some symmetry properties with the Rosenau-Hyman K(2,2) equation. An exact discrete compactly-supported signal voltage is found for the network and the dissipative effects on the pulse motion analytically studied. Numerical simulations confirm the validity of analytical results and the robustness of these compact pulse signals which may have important applications in signal processing systems.
Desire Ndjanfang, David Yemele, Patrick Marquie, and Timoleon Crepin Kofane, "Compact-Like Pulse Signals in a New Nonlinear Electrical Transmission Line," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 52, 207-236, 2013.

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