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Analysis of Electromagnetic Field Coupling to Microstrip Line Connected with Nonlinear Components
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 51, 291-306, 2013
An analysis method for electromagnetic field coupling to microstrip line connected with nonlinear components is proposed in this paper. Different from the published work, not only the voltage and current response of the nonlinear component connected to the transmission line (TL) can be obtained, but also the power transmitted from this nonlinear component to the next one at both the fundamental frequency and harmonics can be predicted. The proposed method suitably combines the classical field-to-TL coupling theory and the nonlinear large-signal scattering parameters on the basis of a black box model in frequency-domain. Then this method is experimentally validated by a laboratory system including a microstrip line connected with a simple nonlinear component constituted by the anti-paralleled HSMS-282C Schottky diodes pair welded to a 50 Ω microstrip line. The calculated results using the proposed method show good agreement with the measured data.
Hui Yan, Liping Yan, Xiang Zhao, Haijing Zhou, and Ka-Ma Huang, "Analysis of Electromagnetic Field Coupling to Microstrip Line Connected with Nonlinear Components," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 51, 291-306, 2013.

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