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Segmented-Core Single Mode Optical Fiber with Ultra-Large-Effective-Area, Low Dispersion Slope and Flattened Dispersion for DWDM Optical Communication Systems
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 51, 157-175, 2013
In this paper we present designs of fibersμ having non-zero positive, non-zero negative and near-zero ultra-flattened dispersion with small dispersion slope and ultra-large effective area over a wide spectral range. The designs consist of a concentric multilayer segmented core followed by a trench assisted cladding and a thin secondary core. The central segmented core helps in maintaining desired dispersion over a wide range of wavelength. The second core of the fiber helps in achieving ultra-large effective area and trench assisted cladding reduces the bending loss. The designs of the fiber have been analyzed by using the transfer matrix method. For positive non-zero dispersion flattened fiber we have optimized dispersion near +4.5 ps/km/nm in the wavelength range 1.46-1.65 μm. Maximum value of dispersion slope of the fiber in above mentioned wavelength range is 0.026 ps/km/nm2. In the design of negative non-zero dispersion flattened fiber, dispersion has been achieved near -6 ps/km/nm in the spectral range of 1.33-1.56 μm and maximum value of dispersion slope is 0.048 ps/km/nm2. Dispersion and dispersion slope of near zero dispersion flattened fiber lie in the range [0.0039-0.520] ps/km/nm and [(0.0004)-(0.0365)] ps/km/nm2 respectively in the spectral range of 1.460-1.625 μm. The near zero dispersion flattened fiber has an ultra-high effective area ranging from 114 μm2 to 325.95 μm2 in the aforementioned wavelength range, which covers the entire S+C+L-band. These values of mode area are noticeably higher than those reported in literature for flattened dispersion fibers with large mode area. Designed fiber show very small bending loss. We report breakthrough in the mode area of the single mode optical fiber with ultra flattened dispersion and low dispersion slope.
Babita Hooda, and Vipul Rastogi, "Segmented-Core Single Mode Optical Fiber with Ultra-Large-Effective-Area, Low Dispersion Slope and Flattened Dispersion for DWDM Optical Communication Systems," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 51, 157-175, 2013.

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