Vol. 54
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Research on Analysis of Multifractal Correlation Characteristics of Aircraft Echoes and Classification of Targets in Surveillance Radars
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 54, 27-44, 2013
Multifractal correlation, which studies the spatial correlation characteristics of two points with different singularity indexes, is a generalization of multifractal single point statistic. This paper introduces multifractal correlation theory into the characteristic analysis of aircraft echoes from low-resolution surveillance radars, and discusses the application of multifractal correlation characteristics in target classification. Firstly, on basis of introducing multifractal correlation theory, the multifractal correlation characteristics of aircraft echoes from surveillance radars are analyzed in detail by means of the multifractal correlation analysis. Secondly, on basis of the foregoing analysis, several characteristic parameters of the echo multifractal correlation spectrum are defined, and the support vector machine (SVM) based on the defined characteristic parameters is taken as the classifier to classify different types of aircraft targets. Finally, real recorded aircraft echo data are adopted to do the classification experiments, and the experimental results validate the proposed method.
Qiusheng Li, and Weixin Xie, "Research on Analysis of Multifractal Correlation Characteristics of Aircraft Echoes and Classification of Targets in Surveillance Radars," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 54, 27-44, 2013.

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