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Analysis of Temporal Polarization Phase Difference for Major Crops in India
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 57, 299-309, 2014
A polarimetric radar system measures the complete scattering matrix of a target in the backscattered field that includes magnitudes of linearly polarized scattering amplitudes and the co-polarised and cross-polarised phase angles. Apart from backscattering intensity, the co-polarization phase difference (CPD) calculated from polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data produces important information about target physical, geometrical and dielectric properties. In the present work, the distribution of CPD in C-band polarimetric SAR data corresponding to major kharif and rabi crops (denoting the monsoon and the winter season) and other land cover features have been studied over Central State Farm, Hisar, Haryana. The probability density functions (PDF) of CPD have been compared with dominant scattering contributions from these targets as obtained from polarimetric target decompositions. The results show that crops and other land cover features show characteristic CPD distributions, which relates well with crop physical and geometrical properties. An intuition of the rate of growth and plant vigour is indicative from the temporal PDF pattern.
Dipanwita Haldar, Anup Das, Manoj Yadav, Ramesh S. Hooda, Shiv Mohan, and Manab Chakraborty, "Analysis of Temporal Polarization Phase Difference for Major Crops in India," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 57, 299-309, 2014.

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