Vol. 79
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Approximative Computation Methods for Monostatic Scattering from Axially Symmetric Objects
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 79, 127-147, 2017
Two approximation methods are presented for fast calculations of the monostatic scattering from axially symmetric scatterers coated with electromagnetic absorbers. The methods are designed for plane wave illumination parallel to the axis of rotation of the scatterer. The first method is based on simulating the scattering of a perfect electric conductor (PEC) enclosing the absorber coated scatterer, and multiplying the result with the squared magnitude of the absorber reflection coecient in a planar scenario. The second method is based on simulating the scattering scenario in a physical optics (PO) solver, where the electromagnetic absorber is treated as reflection dyadic at the outer surface of the scatterer. Both methods result in a significant acceleration in computation speed in comparison to full wave methods, where the PO method carries out the computations in a number of seconds. The monostatic scattering from different geometries have been investigated, and parametric sweeps were carried out to test the limits where the methods yield accurate results. For specular reflections, the approximation methods yield very accurate results compared to full wave simulations when the radius of curvature is on the order of half a wavelength or larger of the incident signal. It is also concluded that the accuracy of the two methods varies depending on what type of absorber is applied to the scatterer, and that absorbers based on ``volume losses'' such as a carbon doped foam absorber and a thin magnetic absorber yield better results than absorbers based on resistive sheets, such as a Salisbury absorber.
Andreas Ericsson, Daniel Sjöberg, Christer Larsson, and Torleif Martin, "Approximative Computation Methods for Monostatic Scattering from Axially Symmetric Objects," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 79, 127-147, 2017.

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