Vol. 7
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Measurement of Dielectric Constant of Thin Leaves by Moisture Content at 4mm Band
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 7, 183-191, 2009
A complex dielectric constant for poplar and monstera delicious's obtained by Ulaby at 10 GHz has been revised at 4 mm band. A measurement setup operating at 4 mm was established for making comparison between modeled and measured values. Results basically show that their electromagnetic transparency increases by drying as expected. While moisture content increases from 0% to 60%, transmitted power decreases from 95% down to 22%; reflection goes up to 50% and the absorption reaches from 1% to 20% for monstera leaf. A model developed for poplar responds much better than the model revised for monstera leaves.
Selcuk Helhel, Bektas Colak, and Sukru Ozen, "Measurement of Dielectric Constant of Thin Leaves by Moisture Content at 4mm Band," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 7, 183-191, 2009.

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