Vol. 110
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Vol. 110, 131-148, 2025
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Multi-Objective Optimization Design of a Bilayer Segmented Asymmetric Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor
Luyao Wang, Hui Zhu, Yunpeng Song, Wenjing Hu, Huihui Geng, Xueyi Zhang, Qi Yu, Xin Zhou and Xingxu Jin
This paper proposes a bilayer segmented asymmetric V-type magnetic structure of interior permanent magnet motor to address the problems of large air-gap magnetic density zero region, high air-gap magnetic density distortion rate, and large output torque ripple in the traditional V-type permanent magnet synchronous motor. Firstly, the superiority of the bilayer segmented asymmetric V-type structure is verified using finite element simulation compared with the bilayer conventional V-type and bilayer segmented symmetric V-type structures. Secondly the analytical model of the air-gap magnetic density, output torque, and torque ripple is established. Then, with the optimization objectives of reducing the air-gap magnetic density distortion rate, increasing the output torque, and reducing the torque ripple, and with pole-span angles of the bilayer segmented asymmetric V-type structure as the optimization variables, each optimization variable is subjected to weighted sensitivity stratification. The response surface optimization is applied to the low and medium-level sensitivity optimization variables, while a Pareto frontier distribution is used to obtain the set of the effective values of the high-level sensitivity optimization variables. The optional combination of the pole-span angles of the segmented asymmetric V-type structure is objectively selected by applying the TOPSIS method. Finally, the effectiveness of the optimized design is verified by finite element simulation and prototype tests. The results show that the bilayer segmented asymmetric V-type structure can reduce the percentage of the zero region of the air-gap from 4.82% to 3.91%, which is reduced by 18.8% and lower the air-gap magnetic density distortion rate from 0.263 to 0.226, which is reduced by 14.1% while ensuring good output characteristics with improving the average output torque from 14.842 N.m to 16.418 N.m, which is increased by 10.6%, and reducing the torque ripple from 0.169 to 0.156, which is reduced by 7.7%.
Multi-objective Optimization Design of a Bilayer Segmented Asymmetric Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor
Vol. 110, 107-129, 2025
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Low-Frequency Excitation of a Stratified Conducting Sphere by Point Charges or Electric Dipoles
Mykola Bogomolov, Gregory B. Gajda and Mykola Zhuk
This paper investigates the low-frequency excitation of a non-magnetic stratified conducting sphere by external sources, using a classical quasi-static approach. We focus on point-impressed sources represented by charges or electric dipoles, which predominantly generate electric fields. The findings have implications for low-frequency scattering theory and can potentially support the assessment of localized human exposure to low-frequency electric fields, such as those from Wireless Power Transfer using capacitive coupling technology. For a sphere with an arbitrary number of homogeneous layers, we develop a numerical-analytical solution inspired by the Exact Difference Scheme. This approach yields a tridiagonal discretized representation of the continuous problem, ensuring uniqueness and computational stability, and allowing for efficient solution via the Thomas algorithm. For a sphere with general radial inhomogeneity, we apply the Finite Difference method. Computational experiments show a strong agreement between these two approaches. We also examine the physical aspects of electric field interaction with a four-layer model of the human head, using the concept of coupling coefficients for the electric field and the generated heat. Our results show that these coupling coefficients increase with the separation between the point sources and the sphere, converging in certain cases to those for a uniform incident electric field. A comparison with the relevant ICNIRP reference levels for the incident electric field is also provided. The comprehensive Wolfram Mathematica code, consisting of multiple modules and including theoretical definitions and explanations of the computed quantities, is available as a supplement to the paper.
Low-frequency Excitation of a Stratified Conducting Sphere by Point Charges or Electric Dipoles
Vol. 110, 91-105, 2025
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Maximally Flat Negative Group Delay Prototype Filter Based on Capped Reciprocal Transfer Function of Classical Bessel Filter
Miodrag Kandic and Greg E. Bridges
A prototype filter design exhibiting Negative Group Delay (NGD) is presented, based on the ratio of two low-pass classical Bessel filter transfer functions of the same order, but with different 3dB-bandwidths. The resulting design is a reciprocal-Bessel filter transfer function, capped at a finite out-of-band gain. The proposed capped reciprocal-Bessel design is based on a similar concept applied to previously reported capped reciprocal-Butterworth and reciprocal-Chebyshev NGD designs, which use ratios of corresponding classical low-pass filter transfer functions. It is shown that within the in-band frequency range, the synthesized NGD transfer function exhibits a maximally flat group delay characteristic (Bessel-like property). Due to its near-flat in-band group delay characteristic, the design is suitable for constant phase shifter applications. For high design orders, it is shown that the achieved NGD-bandwidth product has an upper asymptotic limit, given by the square root of the out-of-band gain in decibels. When the prototype baseband transfer function is translated to a non-zero center frequency, it is demonstrated that resonator-based implementations are feasible via Sallen-Key, as well as all-passive ladder topologies. A combined in-band magnitude/phase distortion metric is evaluated for selected design examples and applied Gaussian and sinc input waveforms, and it is shown to be proportional to the design order and out-of-band gain. The proposed design's distortion metric is also shown to be generally lower than the previously reported capped reciprocal-Butterworth and reciprocal-Chebyshev designs.
Maximally Flat Negative Group Delay Prototype Filter Based on Capped Reciprocal Transfer Function of Classical Bessel Filter
Vol. 110, 73-90, 2025
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Reconfigurable Designs of Sectoral Microstrip Antennas for Single Band and Tunable Circular Polarized Response
Amit A. Deshmukh, Heet Mistry, Venkata A. P. Chavali, Aniruddh Viswanathan and Prasanna Nadkarni
The circularly polarized design of a 350° sectoral microstrip antenna is proposed. Orthogonal surface current components at TM10 mode on the sectoral patch provide circularly polarized characteristics. With the substrate thickness of 0.087λcAR, it yields the simulated axial ratio bandwidth of 18 MHz (1.9%) that lies inside the reflection coefficient bandwidth of 487 MHz (44.66%). A reduction in the substrate thickness by 0.012λcAR in the 350° Sectoral design is achieved by employing an H-shape ground plane profile. This design yields the axial ratio bandwidth of 13 MHz (1.45%), which is present inside the reflection coefficient bandwidth of 386 MHz (36.9%). The antenna using modified ground plane offers peak broadside gain of larger than 6 dBi. On conventional and H-shape ground plane design, reconfigurable design of 350° Sectoral patch is presented that offers switching between the wideband and circularly polarized characteristics. For operation at TM30 mode in the Sectoral patch, circularly polarized reconfigurable configuration for sectoral angle decreasing from 340° to 280° is presented. Over this angle variation, antenna offers tuning in the center frequency of axial ratio bandwidth by 367 MHz (20.6%) with a broadside gain of larger than 5 dBi. A design methodology for circularly polarized antennas functioning at TM10 and TM30 modes is proposed. It helps in realizing similar configuration as per specific wireless application. Experimental verifications for all the obtained results are carried out which show close agreement with the simulated results.
Reconfigurable Designs of Sectoral Microstrip Antennas for Single Band and Tunable Circular Polarized Response
Vol. 110, 57-71, 2025
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Design and Performance Evaluation of a High-Isolation MIMO Antenna Array for 5G N77/N78/N79 and WLAN Implementations
Juhui Zhang, Wei Luo, Qiangjuan Li, Yuexiao Pan and Gui Liu
This paper proposes a broadband multi-input multi-output (MIMO) antenna array operating in the 3.3-6 GHz frequency range. The antenna array consists of eight identical Z-shaped radiation elements, and the coupling between the antenna elements is minimized through the use of an optimized defected ground structure. Each antenna element is composed of a modified Z-shaped radiation strip, an opposing L-shaped strip, and a rectangular strip. Based on simulation and measurement results, it can be concluded that the antenna array meets the -10 dB bandwidth requirement within the desired frequency band, with the transmission coefficient of less than -15 dB, and an envelope correlation coefficient (ECC) below 0.006. Additionally, the proposed antenna achieves a maximum gain ranging from 2.6-8 dBi, with an efficiency exceeding 76%. The overall size of the phone antenna is 150 × 75 × 7 mm3, while each antenna element measured only 7.8 mm × 7 mm × 0.8 mm (0.091λ × 0.082λ × 0.009λ, where λ represents the wavelength at 3.5 GHz). The high-isolation broadband MIMO antenna proposed in this study emerges as a promising candidate for fifth-generation (5G) New Radio (NR) and WLAN applications.
Design and Performance Evaluation of a High-isolation MIMO Antenna Array for 5G N77/N78/N79 and WLAN Implementations
Vol. 110, 43-56, 2025
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Compact Monopole Antenna with Cross Shaped Slot for Microwave Brain Tumor Detection Applications
Athul O. Asok, Mohanan Sowmya, Valiyaveetil Ummer Faisa, Fahima Kulathingal Fathima, A. I. Harikrishnan, Mohan Sumi and Sukomal Dey
The early detection of brain tumors presents significant challenges due to the complexity of the brain as well as the need for noninvasive diagnostic tools. This study introduces a novel antenna design optimized for noninvasive brain tumor detection. In this work, a cross slotted circular patch with a rectangular slot in the ground plane is designed in the simulator for brain tumor detection. The designed antenna operates from 1.76 GHz to 13.6 GHz with an impedance matching of greater than -10 dB. The antenna attains a peak gain of 5.8 dBi at 8 GHz. The antenna has been fabricated using the Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit (MMIC) technology and then tested in an anechoic chamber environment. The simulated and measured antenna performance parameters are found in agreement. The developed antenna has been used to image a target containing liquid inside a bottle covered by foam material. The liquid inside the bottle mimics the tumor material as its dielectric constant is comparable to a realistic tumor material. The target has been successfully reconstructed using the Delay and Sum (DAS) approach.
Compact Monopole Antenna with Cross Shaped Slot for Microwave Brain Tumor Detection Applications
Vol. 110, 29-42, 2025
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Compact 3D Printed Double-Ridged Conical Horn Antenna for Breast Tumour Detections Utilizing Microwave Imaging Over Ultra-Wideband Regime
Athul O. Asok and Sukomal Dey
This paper presents a new 3D-printed, compact Double-Ridged Conical Horn (DRCH) antenna designed for Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Microwave Imaging (MI). The performance of the proposed antenna is analyzed using an electromagnetic (EM) solver, which demonstrates favorable return loss, gain, and radiation characteristics, indicating its structural and performance robustness. To validate the final design, a prototype is fabricated and tested experimentally. The proposed model features reduced dimensions compared to traditional and commercially available Dual Ridge Horn (DRH) antennas, while still maintaining a broad operational bandwidth (|S11| > -10 over the 0.69 GHz-12 GHz range). Within the variety of potential applications, this frequency band is particularly suitable for biomedical devices, particularly in MI, where compact size is crucial for seamless integration into these systems. Additionally, a safety evaluation of the designed antenna has shown that its Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) is well below regulatory limits, ensuring that it can be safely operated near human users.
Compact 3D Printed Double-ridged Conical Horn Antenna for Breast Tumour Detections Utilizing Microwave Imaging over Ultra-wideband Regime
Vol. 110, 15-28, 2025
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Compact Wideband Antenna Array with DGS-Based Metamaterial for Efficient Smartphone Communication and SAR Reduction
Amany A. Megahed, Amr Hussein Hussein Abdullah, Ahmed Jamal Abdullah Al-Gburi and Rania Hamdy Elabd
This study investigates a high-gain, miniaturized antenna array featuring metamaterial-based semicircular Defected Ground Structures (DGSs) based metamaterial designed for wideband smartphone applications. The antenna array, measuring 49 × 25 mm², is constructed on an FR4 substrate with a dielectric constant of 4.3 and a thickness of 1.6 mm. The design incorporates two orthogonal antennas, each with a U-shaped radiating patch and a semicircular DGS to control bandwidth and reduce size. A T-shaped stub is positioned at the center of the U-shaped radiating area, with a star-shaped element attached to the leg of the T-shaped stub to enable wideband operation. The antenna demonstrates strong S11 performance, achieving approximately -38 dB at 5.8 GHz and -42 dB at 8.1 GHz, making it ideal for Sub-6 GHz and C-band applications. The proposed antenna array operates across a frequency range from 4 GHz to beyond 10 GHz, reaching a peak gain of 11 dBi and an efficiency of 95%. A time-domain analysis was conducted to verify radiation efficiency, and the specific absorption rate (SAR) is approximately 0.0475 for 1g of tissue and 0.0101 for 10g of tissue at 4.5 GHz, confirming the array's suitability for wideband smartphone devices within the target frequency band. The simulated and experimental results of the proposed antenna array show excellent agreement.
Compact Wideband Antenna Array with DGS-based Metamaterial for Efficient Smartphone Communication and SAR Reduction
Vol. 110, 1-14, 2025
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Minimization of Latency in D2D-Assisted MEC Collaborative Offloading Based on Intelligent Reflecting Surface
Jun Zhou, Chenwei Feng, Yawei Sun and Jiaxing Guo
With the rapid development of various intelligent scenarios, the demand for low latency, efficient processing, and energy optimization is increasing. In smart communities, intelligent transportation, industrial environments, and other scenarios, a large amount of data is generated that needs to be processed in a short time. Traditional cloud computing models are difficult to meet the requirements for real-time and computing efficiency due to the long data transmission distance and high latency. Therefore, this paper introduces Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces (IRS) into the optimization model of Device-to-Device (D2D) communication and Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) collaborative offloading to enhance system performance and minimize total latency. This paper proposes a latency minimization problem for joint offloading mode selection, computing resource allocation, and IRS phase beamforming. The original problem is decoupled into three subproblems using the Block Coordinate Descent (BCD) algorithm. Through precise potential game theory, the Nash equilibrium (NE) is achieved, and multi-objective optimization is realized using the Lagrangian multiplier method and KKT conditions. Finally, a phase shift optimization problem is solved using the gradient descent algorithm. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms other benchmark schemes in terms of performance.
Minimization of Latency in D2D-Assisted MEC Collaborative Offloading Based on Intelligent Reflecting Surface