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Topological Solitons in 1+2 Dimensions with Time-Dependent Coefficients
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 10, 69-75, 2009
This paper obtains the topological 1-soliton solution of the nonlinear Schrodinger's equation in 1+2 dimensions, with power law nonlinearity and time-dependent coefficients. The solitary wave ansatz is used to obtain the solution. It will also be proved that the power law nonlinearity must reduce to Kerr law nonlinearity for the topological solitons to exist.
Benjamin Sturdevant, Dawn A. Lott, and Anjan Biswas, "Topological Solitons in 1+2 Dimensions with Time-Dependent Coefficients," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 10, 69-75, 2009.

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