Vol. 11
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Multi-Harmonic DC-Bias Network Based on Arbitrarily Width Modulated Microstrip Line
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 11, 119-128, 2009
In this work, we present a novel DC-bias network for multiharmonic microwave circuits based on an arbitrarily width-modulated microstrip line. The arbitrary shape of the width-modulated microstrip line is obtained by using multiple microstrip taper sections. The method is illustrated through the design of four different DC-bias networks blocking from 1 to 4 harmonic components of a 2.5 GHz signal. The designs with an optimum shape for the arbitrarily widthmodulated microstrip line have been manufactured and measured, obtaining a good agreement between the simulated and measured behavior.
Samuel Ver-Hoeye, Carlos Vazquez-Antuna, Marta Gonzalez Corredoiras, Miguel Fernandez-Garcia, Luis Herran Ontanon, and Fernando Las Heras Andres, "Multi-Harmonic DC-Bias Network Based on Arbitrarily Width Modulated Microstrip Line," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 11, 119-128, 2009.

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