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Compact Dual-Mode DGS Resonators and Filters
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 25, 47-55, 2011
A novel and compact dual-mode defected ground structure (DGS) resonator is presented. Distinct characteristics of the proposed resonator are investigated. Using this type of resonator, a bandpass filter with the center frequency of 2.38 GHz and the fractional bandwidth of 6.7% is simulated and fabricated. The results show that this filter not only has an inherent transmission zero near the passband, but also has a very wide upper stopband with rejection better than 20 dB up to about 12 GHz.
Lei Wang, and Bo-Ran Guan, "Compact Dual-Mode DGS Resonators and Filters," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 25, 47-55, 2011.

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