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A Compact Zeroth Order Resonating Antenna Using Complementary Split Ring Resonator with Mushroom Type of Structure
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 28, 139-148, 2012
A compact zeroth order resonance (ZOR) antenna based on composite right left handed Transmission Line (CRLH TL) with complementary split ring resonators (CSRR) is presented in this paper. In the proposed antenna, CRLH TL is realized by the conventional mushroom type (CMT) of structure. The unit cell of proposed antenna comprises the CMT structure and CSRR where the CSRR is etched on the patch of the mushroom. Presence of CSRR introduces the lumped components in the shunt arm of the unit cell which results in the reduction of the shunt resonance frequency. The presented antenna consists of 4 unit cells and is excited by the quarter wavelength TL. The simulation and experimental results are in close agreement. The proposed structure has nearly 8.32% footprint area of the conventional half wavelength antenna.
Gautam Kumar Singh, Raghvendra Kumar Chaudhary, and Kumar Vaibhav Srivastava, "A Compact Zeroth Order Resonating Antenna Using Complementary Split Ring Resonator with Mushroom Type of Structure," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 28, 139-148, 2012.

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