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Design of Several Power Dividers Using CPW-to-Microstrip Transition
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 41, 125-134, 2013
Based on the theory of microstrip-to-slotline transition, a series of power dividers using CPW-to-microstrip transition is developed. These power dividers can be made to be coplanar or non-coplanar structure, and the phase difference between the two output ports can be flexibly achieved in phase or out of phase. Two microstrip feed lines couple the energy from the two slots of the CPW with equal magnitude, thus realizing CPW-to-microstrip transition. An in-phase power divider and an out-of-phase one are designed, fabricated and measured. The measured results show that the power dividers provide good return loss, low insertion loss, and stable phase between the two output ports over the operating frequency band.
Mao-Ze Wang, Fu-Shun Zhang, Jian Sun, Ke Chen, and Bin Wen, "Design of Several Power Dividers Using CPW-to-Microstrip Transition," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 41, 125-134, 2013.

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