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Voltage Control of Electromagnetically-Induced-Transparency-Like Effect in Metamaterials Based on Microstrip System
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 44, 113-118, 2014
The tuning of electromagnetically-induced-transparency-like (EIT-like) phenomenon in metamaterials based on microstrip system is investigated. The tunability of EIT-like effect mainly arises from the controllable elements of varactor diodes loading on the ``dark'' resonators of EIT-like metamaterials. The results show that the frequency range of transparency window of our EIT-like metamaterials can be continuously and reversibly adjusted along with the varying external voltages applied on the varactor diodes. Moreover, the transmittance maximum hardly changes with the shift of transparency window. Such tunable EIT-like metamaterials may be applied in tunable slow-wave filters and switch devices.
Tuanhui Feng, Limin Wang, Yunhui Li, Yong Sun, and Hai Lu, "Voltage Control of Electromagnetically-Induced-Transparency-Like Effect in Metamaterials Based on Microstrip System," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 44, 113-118, 2014.

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