Vol. 45
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Wideband Patch Antenna with Stable High Gain and Low Cross-Polarization Characteristics
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 45, 35-38, 2014
A wideband unidirectional patch antenna with two meandering strips and a Г-shaped feeding structure is designed. The investigation shows that the antenna achieves an impedance bandwidth of 54.2% for VSWR ≤ 2 and a stable gain of around 9 dBi. The far field radiation patterns with low cross polarization which levels are less than -27 dB, low back radiation and symmetrical E-and H-plane patterns are obtained over the whole operating frequency range.
Jia-Yue Zhao, Zhi-Ya Zhang, Yang Li, Guang Fu, and Shu-Xi Gong, "Wideband Patch Antenna with Stable High Gain and Low Cross-Polarization Characteristics," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 45, 35-38, 2014.

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