Vol. 47
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A Dual Ultra Wide Band Slotted Antenna for C and X Bands Application
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 47, 91-96, 2014
In this paper, a novel compact dual-band microstrip antenna operating at two different bands namely C-band and X-band is presented and analyzed. The dual ultra wide band is realized by cutting two triangular slots on the right and on the left sides of the patch and a rectangular slot on the top side of the patch. The antenna structure is optimized and simulated using commercial software. The excitation is launched through a 50 Ohms microstrip line. According to simulation and measured results the proposed antenna can provide two separated impedance bandwidths of 500 MHz centered at 7 GHz and 2 GHz centered at 10.7 GHz and stable radiation patterns.
Mourad Meloui, and Mohammad Essaaidi, "A Dual Ultra Wide Band Slotted Antenna for C and X Bands Application," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 47, 91-96, 2014.

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