Vol. 47
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Ferrite-Loaded Half Mode Substrate Integrated Waveguide Phase Shifter
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 47, 85-90, 2014
An X-band ferrite-loaded half mode substrate integrated waveguide (HMSIW) phase shifter is proposed and fabricated in this paper. A full-height E-plane Yttrium Iron Garnet (YIG) ferrite slab is embedded in the HMSIW to construct the non-reciprocal phase shifter. With the application of a magnetic bias field on the ferrite slab, the phase of the ferrite-loaded HMSIW can be adjusted and controlled. For a magnetic bias field of 1800 Gauss, the insertion loss is less than 3.2 dB from 9.7 to 11.0 GHz. The return loss is better than 10 dB over the same frequency range. The largest differential phase shift can be up to 337°. This circuit is easily integrated with other planar components and also has the capability to handle medium power level.
Yu Jian Cheng, Qiudong Huang, Yedi Zhou, and Chengxiang Weng, "Ferrite-Loaded Half Mode Substrate Integrated Waveguide Phase Shifter," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 47, 85-90, 2014.

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