Vol. 47
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Multiband Antenna Based on Loading a CPW-Fed Monopole with One CRLH-TL Unit Cell
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 47, 47-53, 2014
A Coplanar Waveguide(CPW)-fed monopole loaded with Composite Right/Left Handed Transmission Line (CRLH-TL) unit cell is presented in this letter. Multiband is achieved due to the nonlinear dispersion relation of the CRLH-TL unit cell. The CRLH-TL unit cell supports a fundamental LH wave (phase advance) at lower frequencies and a RH wave (phase delay) at higher frequencies. By loading CRLH-TL unit cells with a conventional monopole, the resonant frequency of higher order mode can be decreased and zeroth-order mode or even negative-order mode can be achieved. As a result, the proposed antenna operates at 1.43 GHz, 2.58 GHz, 3.31 GHz and 4.4 GHz. Finally the modified antenna is fabricated and measured; measurements and EM simulations are in a good agreement that confirms the proposed theory.
Hai-Peng Li, Guang-Ming Wang, Xiang-Jun Gao, and Xiao-Fei Zhang, "Multiband Antenna Based on Loading a CPW-Fed Monopole with One CRLH-TL Unit Cell," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 47, 47-53, 2014.

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