Vol. 65
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A Method for Analyzing Broadcast Beamforming of Massive MIMO Antenna Array
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 65, 15-21, 2017
In this paper, a new analysis method of broadcast beamforming for a massive MIMO antenna array, targeting at the fifth generation mobile communication, is introduced. In order to solve the problem of narrow broadcast beam coverage, the element phase of massive MIMO antenna array is optimized using a method, which combines both numerical electromagnetic analysis method and global optimization algorithm. The analysis results show that the optimal value of 3 dB broadcast beam width for 64 elements in the horizontal plane is 36 degree, which is 0.55 times of that of the 4G base station. In addition, the optimal value of gain loss increases to about 13 dB compared with the gain of the antenna fed with equal amplitude and in phase. So it is also necessary to take the system link budget of the broadcast channel into consideration. The proposed analysis method and design solution can provide reference for the research of the next generation mobile communication.
Hong-Wei Yuan, Guan-Feng Cui, and Jin Fan, "A Method for Analyzing Broadcast Beamforming of Massive MIMO Antenna Array," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 65, 15-21, 2017.

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