Vol. 62
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Wideband Frequency Selective Surface with a Sharp Band Edge Based on Mushroom-Like Cavity
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 62, 105-110, 2016
A wideband frequency selective surface (FSS) with a sharp band edge is proposed. The periodic cell includes a mushroom-like cavity and four L-type slots etched on the top and bottom conductor claddings of the cavity. The measured results show that the proposed FSS operates at X band with a 12.5% bandwidth (7.85-8.90 GHz), in which the insertion loss is less than 3 dB. Comparing with the FSSs based on substrate integrated waveguide cavity, the proposed FSS not only realizes high selectivity, but also realizes a 55.8% reduction in cell size.
Tao Zhong, Hou Zhang, Xue-Liang Min, Qiang Chen, and Guo-Cheng Wu, "Wideband Frequency Selective Surface with a Sharp Band Edge Based on Mushroom-Like Cavity," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 62, 105-110, 2016.

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