Vol. 63
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Wideband and Low-Profile Linear Array of h -Plane Horns on a Conducting Ground Plane
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 63, 71-77, 2016
This paper presents a design of wideband and low-profile linear array of H-plane horn antennas. In order to construct the linear array in H-plane, the aperture size of the horn antenna in the H-plane should be comparable with one wavelength in the free space, which leads to a poor impedance matching especially in the lower frequency range. The approach to the problem is removing the side walls of the flare part of the antennas. The array is fed by a wideband 4-way ridged SIW power divider. The designed array operates from 5.6 GHz to 18 GHz for VSWR 2.5 and exhibits stable radiation beam with a narrow beam-width in H plane over the same frequency rang while retaining the antenna array height of only 4 mm (0.17λ0 at the center frequency). The designed array is fabricated and tested. It is observed that measured results agree well with simulated ones.
Yun Zhao, and Wen Wu, "Wideband and Low-Profile Linear Array of h -Plane Horns on a Conducting Ground Plane," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 63, 71-77, 2016.

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