Vol. 66
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Compact Bandwidth-Enhanced Center-Fed CPW Zeroth-Order Resonant Antenna Loaded by Parasitic Element
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 66, 1-8, 2017
A low-profile bandwidth-enhanced zeroth-order resonant (ZOR) antenna based on composite right/left-handed transmission line (CRLH-TL) theory loaded by parasitic element is presented in this paper. The bandwidth and efficiency of the proposed ZOR antenna is improved simultaneously by introducing a parasitic element resonating within the CRLH-TL band-stop. The dispersive behavior of the ZOR antenna is analyzed by performing full-wave simulation using CST microwave studio and compared with the theoretical circuit model. The overall dimensions of the proposed antenna is 0.303λ0×0.248λ0×0.003λ0. The antenna has been fabricated and tested. The experimental results exhibit widem operational bandwidth of 87.1% and excellent radiation efficiency up to 95.7%. Owing to the symmetrical configuration of the proposed design the polarization purity better than -14 dB is obtained. The measured results are in very good agreement with the simulation. The compact, uni-planar and via-less configuration of the proposed antenna with reasonable polarization purity makes it desirable to be used for modern wireless communication systems such as GSM, UMTS, WiMAX, WLAN and LTE.
Sobhan Saravani, Chandan Kumar Chakrabarty, and Norashidah Md. Din, "Compact Bandwidth-Enhanced Center-Fed CPW Zeroth-Order Resonant Antenna Loaded by Parasitic Element," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 66, 1-8, 2017.

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