Vol. 66
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Design of a 212 GHz LO Source Used in the Terahertz Radiometer Front-End
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 66, 65-70, 2017
We introduce a 212 GHz LO source which could be used to drive sub-harmonic mixer in the radiometer front-end. It mainly includes a phase-locked dielectric resonator, a 71 GHz power source and a 212 GHz tripler. Actually, design of 212 GHz tripler is the key technology in the LO chain because the research on W band source is relatively mature. Based on our former research work, there is a great improvement in the design of 212 GHz tripler. At room temperature, the measured efficiency is more than 9% in 208~218 GHz, and the maximum efficiency is about 14.5% at 215.5 GHz when being driven with 21.8 dBm of input power. Besides demand on the main technical specifications, the stability of each module is also extremely important since the front-end is designed to keep working for three months.
Jin Meng, De Hai Zhang, Chang Hong Jiang, Xin Zhao, and Xiao Peng Li, "Design of a 212 GHz LO Source Used in the Terahertz Radiometer Front-End," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 66, 65-70, 2017.

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