Vol. 66
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A Frequency Reconfigurable Dual Pole Dual Band Bandpass Filter for X-Band Applications
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 66, 53-58, 2017
This paper presents a frequency reconfigurable dual-pole, dual-band waveguide bandpass filter. Varactor diode and chip capacitor loaded planar split ring resonators are used on the transverse plane of a waveguide to form the filter. Numerical simulations are carried out using CST microwave studio (version 14). Measured result shows tuning range of the bands are 8.12-8.58 GHz and 10.22-10.68 GHz, respectively. The measured result shows good agreement with the simulated one. The total length of the proposed filter is 10 mm.
Amit Bage, and Sushrut Das, "A Frequency Reconfigurable Dual Pole Dual Band Bandpass Filter for X-Band Applications," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 66, 53-58, 2017.

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