Vol. 72
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A Quantitative Analysis of Coupling for a WPT System Including Dielectric/Magnetic Materials
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 72, 127-134, 2018
Dielectric or magnetic materials introduced in a wireless power transfer (WPT) system affect the properties of WPT. This paper quantitatively studies the coupling between the transmitting and receiving elements for a WPT system including either dielectric or magnetic materials. The transmitting and receiving elements are open spirals and solenoid coils which are usually used in WPT systems. The analysis method is the perturbation method which can calculate the total coupling coefficient k, the electric coupling component ke and the magnetic coupling component km simultaneously. This paper gives quantitatively analyzed data on km and ke to indicate how much km and ke are affected by a dielectric or magnetic material introduced in a WPT system.
Yangjun Zhang, Tatsuya Yoshikawa, and Takahiro Kitahara, "A Quantitative Analysis of Coupling for a WPT System Including Dielectric/Magnetic Materials," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 72, 127-134, 2018.

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