Vol. 78
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A Phase Diversity Printed-Dipole Antenna Element for Patterns Selectivity Array Application
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 78, 105-110, 2018
A phase diversity printed-dipole antenna element for patterns selectivity array application is designed in this paper. The antenna element consists of a printed dipole structure and two varactors. By changing the control voltage of each element, various radiation phases in the far field of each element is realized, that is, the peak gain direction of the array is changed. With this method, the structure designed is simple, and only two varactors are loaded. To verify the feasibility, an antenna prototype is experimentally characterized, which validates the proposed concept. The impedance bandwidth of array is 22.2% (3.2~4.0 GHz), in which the peak gain direction can be scanned during angles from -θ to +θ across broadside (θ = 13°~18° at different frequencies). It can be applied to phased antenna system.
Fu-Kun Sun, Fu-Shun Zhang, and Chao-Qiang Feng, "A Phase Diversity Printed-Dipole Antenna Element for Patterns Selectivity Array Application," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 78, 105-110, 2018.

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