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A Model Assisted Probability of Detection Approach for ECNDT of Hidden Defect in Aircraft Structures
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 95, 1-8, 2021
In a probabilistic approach, the performance of the control is characterized by statistical indi-cators such as the Probability of Detection (PoD) which describes the probability of detecting a defect of a given size knowing that it is present in the inspected structure. In this paper, an experimental analysis and simulation using FEM of the eddy current testing on three-dimensional riveted structure is performed on small fatigue cracks to identify and quantify probability of detec-tion curves. The PoD curves are plotted in terms of characteristic dimensions of the defect (depth, length, orientation, etc.) and are dependent on a number of factors including material, geometry, defect type, operator, and environmental effects.
Mohammed Chebout, Hakim Azizi, and Mohammed Rachid Mekideche, "A Model Assisted Probability of Detection Approach for ECNDT of Hidden Defect in Aircraft Structures," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 95, 1-8, 2021.

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