Vol. 97
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An Online Extraction Method of Noise Source Impedance Based on Network Analyzer
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 97, 35-43, 2021
This paper presents an online noise source impedance extraction method based on network analyzer. Firstly, the composition scheme of the measurement method is given, the equivalent circuit model of the measurement system established, and the port structure of the equivalent circuit analyzed. Secondly, two known standard resistances are used to calibrate the measuring system and connecting wires. Finally, the passive device and DC/DC converter are used as the equipment to be tested, and the measurement results are compared with those of other methods and impedance analyzer. The comparison results show that the measurement method has high measurement accuracy and good temperature sensitivity.
Ming-Xing Du, Yang Li, Qiqi Dai, and Ziwei Ouyang, "An Online Extraction Method of Noise Source Impedance Based on Network Analyzer," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 97, 35-43, 2021.

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