Vol. 103
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A Dual-Polarized Wide-Angle Scanning Antenna with High Isolation for Van Atta Applications
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 103, 81-88, 2022
A dual-polarized wide-angle scanning array antenna is proposed in this paper. The proposed antenna array consists of sixteen elements with the working band from 9.5 to 10.5 GHz. A microstrip patch fed from two orthogonal directions is applied to achieve dual-polarization. In order to obtain good impedance matching and wide bandwidth of the antenna, capacitive coupling feeding is adopted. The measured results show that the proposed array can cover a wide scanning range of ±58°. The polarization isolations of antenna are higher than 17 dB. The isolations between receiving sub-array and transmitting sub-array are higher than 22.3 dB. The proposed array antenna is suitable for Van Atta applications.
Chunliang Dai, and Lei Gan, "A Dual-Polarized Wide-Angle Scanning Antenna with High Isolation for Van Atta Applications," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 103, 81-88, 2022.

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