Vol. 106
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A Robust Wearable Antenna for in-Body Communications
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 106, 145-150, 2022
A flexible antenna with high robustness is presented for wireless body area networks (WBANs) in-body communications. The coplanar waveguide (CPW) fed hexagon slot structure is employed to obtain a wide bandwidth of 34.4%. A parasitic patch is used to enhance in-body gain to -3.36 dBi. With these advantages, the proposed antenna is insensitive to frequency shift and gain reduction caused by environmental changes. Besides, the proposed low-profile antenna on a flexible substrate is well fit for wearable applications.
Shuai-Chao Yang, Lin Li, and Xiao-Wei Gu, "A Robust Wearable Antenna for in-Body Communications," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 106, 145-150, 2022.

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