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Modeling of Tsv-Based 3-d Heterogeneous Solenoid Inductor with High Inductance Value
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 112, 111-118, 2023
In this letter, a novel 3-D heterogeneous solenoid inductor with high inductance value is proposed. By adding planar spiral structure at the ends of through-silicon vias (TSVs) of typical 3-D solenoid inductor, the heterogeneous solenoid is formed. The total inductance is increased by more than 41% compared with that of typical solenoid inductor of the same size. Additionally, an accurate analytical model of the inductor is established considering all the factors including angle and offset. Q3D simulation results verified the accuracy of the model, and the percentage error is less than 5.38%. This work provides an important reference for inductor designers to quickly estimate inductance value, configuration, and layout area.
Jinrong Su, Haobo Wang, Haipeng Dou, and Xinwei Chen, "Modeling of Tsv-Based 3-d Heterogeneous Solenoid Inductor with High Inductance Value," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 112, 111-118, 2023.

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