Vol. 17
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Single Metal Layer CPW Metamaterial Bandpass Filter
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 17, 153-161, 2010
We propose single metal layer metamaterial bandpass filters based on compact complementary u-shaped resonators. Previously, metamaterial bandpass filters could only be achieved if a second conducting layer was utilized. Here, we propose a resonator concept that can directly be integrated with a single sided coplanar waveguide, enabling low fabrication costs and simple system integration. Furthermore, already a single unit cell yields a pronounced bandpass behavior without the need for cascading multiple resonators. Both, measurements and numerical simulations are presented. Using RO3003 as substrate, a low insertion loss of 1.71 dB and a corresponding 3-dB bandwidth ratio of 3.1% is achieved.
Ibraheem A. I. Al-Naib, Christian Jansen, and Martin Koch, "Single Metal Layer CPW Metamaterial Bandpass Filter," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 17, 153-161, 2010.

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