Vol. 89
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Multiwall Carbon Nanotube Impedance Matching Section
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 89, 69-75, 2020
In this work, computer-aided impedance analysis and genetic-based synthesis of a multiwall carbon nanotube impedance matching section (MWCNTIMS) are proposed. Transmission line model (TLM) of a multiwall carbon nanotube is used for the computer-aided impedance analysis. Continuous parameter genetic algorithm (CPGA) is used for the genetic-based synthesis. A simple, fast and effective impedance analysis and synthesis approach for an MWCNTIMS is presented. The results of the analysis and synthesis for different examples of MWCNTIMS are given and discussed in detail. The results show that the effect of variation of the distance from the ground plane of the outer shell is very small on the values of input resistance and input reactance. The values of input resistance and input reactance decrease while the value of inner radius or the total number of shells increases. Since the diameter increases with the increasing value of inner radius and the total number of shells, the values of input resistance and input reactance decrease with increasing diameter. While the value of nanotube length increases the values of input resistance and input reactance increase.
Tayfun Günel, "Multiwall Carbon Nanotube Impedance Matching Section," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 89, 69-75, 2020.

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