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Finite Element Method Simulation of Photoinductive Imaging for Cracks
, Vol. 2, 53-61, 2008
In this paper, the numerical simulations of photoinductive imaging (PI) method have been performed using the finite element method (FEM) with the 2D transient to characterize corner cracks at the edge of a bolt hole. The PI imaging results have higher spatial resolution in the area of the defect in 2D models as compared with the conventional eddy current (EC) images. The FEM simulation results of 0.5-mm rectangular defects are showed and analyzed. The dependencies of PI signals on EC frequencies and temperature of the thermal spot are also examined. The results demonstrate that the PI method is applicable to examine the geometric shape of corner cracks.
Cheng-Chi Tai, and Yen-Lin Pan, "Finite Element Method Simulation of Photoinductive Imaging for Cracks," , Vol. 2, 53-61, 2008.

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