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Wide Scanning Phased Array Antenna Using Printed Dipole Antennas with Parasitic Element
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 2, 187-193, 2008
active phased array antenna has been developed that is capable of wide scanning angle with small deviation in antenna gain using printed dipole antennas with parasitic element, which may have the capability of adjusting the influence of mutual coupling in the array element pattern. The design of the parasitic element is examined and the effect of its shape on pattern characteristics is confirmed. Beam scanning angles of 58 degrees in the φ= 0 plane were obtained for each array antenna pattern.
Hong-Wei Yuan, Shu-Xi Gong, Peng-Fei Zhang, and Xing Wang, "Wide Scanning Phased Array Antenna Using Printed Dipole Antennas with Parasitic Element," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 2, 187-193, 2008.

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