Vol. 7
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Radio-Over -Fiber Transport Systems Based on DFB Ld with Main and -1 Side Modes Injection-Locked Technique
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 7, 25-33, 2009
Full-duplex radio-over-fiber (ROF) transport systems based on distributed feedback laser diode (DFB LD) with main and -1 side modes injection-locked technique is proposed and demonstrated. Improved performances of bit error rate (BER) over a-40 km single-mode fiber (SMF) transmission for down-link, and over an-80 km SMF transmission for up-link were achieved. The characteristic of our proposed systems is the use of one DFB LD with main and -1 side modes injection-locked technique, it reveals a prominent alternative with better performances.
Hai-Han Lu, Chung-Yi Li, Chia-Hsien Lee, Y.-C. Hsiao, and Hwan-Wen Chen, "Radio-Over -Fiber Transport Systems Based on DFB Ld with Main and -1 Side Modes Injection-Locked Technique," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 7, 25-33, 2009.

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