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Frequency Dispersion of Dielectric Permittivity and Electric Conductivity of Rocks via Two-Scale Homogenization of the Maxwell Equations
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 14, 175-202, 2009
We evaluate effective dielectric permittivity and electric conductivity for water-saturated rocks based on a realistic model of a representative cell of the pore space which has periodical structure. We have applied the method of two-scale homogenization of the Maxwell equations, which results in up-scaling coupled equations at the microscale to equations valid at the macroscale. We have analyzed the interfacial Maxwell-Wagner dispersion effect and the Archie law as well.
Vladimir V. Shelukhin, and Sergey A. Terentev, "Frequency Dispersion of Dielectric Permittivity and Electric Conductivity of Rocks via Two-Scale Homogenization of the Maxwell Equations," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 14, 175-202, 2009.

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