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Broadband Design of Printed Compound Air-Fed Array with Hexagonal Configuration
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 9, 129-137, 2009
A printed compound air-fed array antenna with hexagonal configuration is developed, which consists of a stacked-patch radiator, an FSS-cover an AMC-base both with square elements arranged as a hexagonal grid respectively. By means of optimal option for all the structural parameters individually, a broadband prototype is designed at 10 GHz, the peak-gain of 17.11 dBi is performed by hexagonal aperture with side-length of 45 mm (1.5 wavelength); a common frequency bandwidth of 8.20 % for VSWR ≤ 2.0:1 and gain-drop ≤ 2 dB and SLL ≤ −15 dB is obtained by simulation. They are verified by measured results as 16.59 dBi peak-gain and 7.54 % common bandwidth.
Xiang He, Wen-Xun Zhang, and Zhi Hang Wu, "Broadband Design of Printed Compound Air-Fed Array with Hexagonal Configuration," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 9, 129-137, 2009.

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2. Sauleau, R., P. Coquet, and T. Matsui, "Low profile directive quasi-planar antennas based on millimetre wave Fabry-Perot cavities," IEE Proc. Microw. Antennas Propag., Vol. 150, No. 4, 274-278, 2003.

3. Sauleau, R., P. Coquet, and T. Matsui, "Near-field coupling between a printed antenna and a Fabry-Perot resonator: Experiment study of the radiation properties at millimeter wave frequencies," Microw. and Opt. Tech. Letters, Vol. 38, No. 6, 438-443, 2003.

4. Ge, Z. C., W. X. Zhang, and Z. G. Liu, "Broadband and high-gain printed antennas constructed from Fabry-Perot resonator structure using EBG or FSS cover," Microw. and Opt. Tech. Letters, Vol. 48, No. 7, 1272-1274, 2006.

5. Gu, Y. Y., W. X. Zhang, and Z. C. Ge, "Two improved Fabry-perot resonator printed antennas using EBG superstrate and AMC substrate," Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Vol. 21, No. 6, 719-728, 2007.

6. Fu, D. L., W. X. Zhang, Y. Y. Gu, et al. "Two improved Fabry-Perot resonator printed antennas," Chinese Journal of Radio Science, Vol. 23, No. 2, 300-304, 2008 (in Chinese).

7. He, X., W. X. Zhang, and D. L. Fu, "A broadband compound printed air-fed array antenna," International Workshop on Metamaterials, 263-266, Nanjing, China, Nov. 2008.