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Realization of a Compact Branch-Line Coupler Using Quasi-Fractal Loaded Coupled Transmission-Lines
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 13, 33-40, 2010
An extremely compact branch-line coupler operating at 900 MHz is presented without the use of viaholes, multilayered technique, or air-bridged. The technique presented here uses the concept of fractals to load a coupled transmission-line in order to realize a compact quarter-wavelength transmission-line, which forms the couplers arms. It is shown that the proposed branch-line coupler's performance is analogous to a conventional branch-line coupler with the benefit of substantially reduced physical dimensions by a factor of 78%. The measured result of the fabricated microstrip branch-line coupler is compared with the simulation data. The agreement of the measurement and simulated confirms the theory and validates the proposed coupler design.
Mehdi Nosrati, and Bal Singh Virdee, "Realization of a Compact Branch-Line Coupler Using Quasi-Fractal Loaded Coupled Transmission-Lines," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 13, 33-40, 2010.

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10. Nosrati, M. and A. Najafi, "Bandwidth enhancement and further size reduction of a class of elliptic-function low-pass filter using modified hairpin resonators," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 5, 187-194, 2008.

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