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Application of Complete Complementary Sequence in Orthogonal MIMO SAR System
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 13, 51-66, 2010
The Complete Complementary Sequence (CC-S) consists of several complementary orthogonal sequences and has optimal sidelobe level performance, which is satisfied with the requirement of the orthogonal Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) radar signals. Aimed at the difficulty of high sidelobe level in Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging processing in range dimension, an approach of depressing sidelobe level based on CC-S in MIMO SAR system was proposed. The transmitter model for orthogonal MIMO SAR system using CC-S and the corresponding matched filter (MF) were established in this paper. In addition, the MIMO SAR imaging results were simulated. The simulation results demonstrate that the performance of CC-S employed in orthogonal MIMO radar system is much better than that with traditional Linear Frequency Modulation (LFM) signal, by which the feasibility and validity of CC-S applied in orthogonal MIMO SAR system are justified.
Shufeng Li, Jie Chen, Lvqian Zhang, and Yin-Qing Zhou, "Application of Complete Complementary Sequence in Orthogonal MIMO SAR System," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 13, 51-66, 2010.

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